Tradeshow 2002 Storyboard 1
posted:01/02/2002  |  updated:01/24/2002

Tradeshow Themes/Notes  |  Environment References  |  Storyboard 1  |  Storyboard 2
  • Introduce Colabranet logo, Partnerflow logo, and "Freedom to Focus" tagline
  • Fade out tagline and introduce environment. Music starts
  • Rollercoaster ride through chaotic environment. Music picks up pace.
  • Rise above environment to meet cogs
  • Focus on cog with animated icons and tie back to tagline with bullet "Freedom to Focus on Selling"
    • High level bullets related to selling (Accurate Reconciliation, Anywhere Anytime Access, etc.)
  • Rotate cog and switch out icons. Bullet "Freedom to Manage your Business" (or words to that effect)
    • High level bullets related to managing (Standards Compliant, Full Partner Collab., Customized for Industry, etc.)
  • Transition from close-ups to environment pans for feature clips
    • Opportunity Tracking
    • Anytime Anywhere Access (Partnerflow mobile)
    • Accelerated Integration
    • Design Win Tracking
    • Design Registration
    • Improved Forecasting Accuracy
    • Workflow Based Quoting
  • Transition from feature clips to cogs in unison. Bullet that talks about collaborative working and complete solution.
  • Show entire universe of cogs and fade out. Music ends.
Scene 1a

Scene 1b
Scene 1a-1b/1c Original Sketches
Screen is black. Colabranet cogs start to rotate in from stage left. They turn counter-clockwise as they build the Colabranet mark. The effect I have in mind is like that of the Orion opening title sequence where the stars begin to rotate forming the "O" in Orion. After the mark is built the logotype will build. For the logotype build I am thinking of having a similar roll effect which will happen front to back rather than left to right. Each letter will start as a flash line and recede in space before coming to rest at baseline. The effect will be quick and the letters should build 3 per second. I might add some duplicated dodge layers to give it a bright halo or thick glow. This will all take place center stage.

  • After Effects
Scenes 1a-2a Motion Stills

Screen is black. Colabranet cogs start to rotate in from stage left. Cogs turn counter-clockwise and concentrate at the edge of stage left title safe frame. Dodge effect builds until the mark explodes. Explosion goes to full white. Explosion effect reverses and light reveals full-screen cog pattern. Arc effects shoot right from mark creating the logotype which warps into place. Light fades down until full logo is built. Glow fades.

Colabranet logo starts to scatter and pixelate. During scatter "makers of" flies in from stage right action safe frame. Logo fades out and "makers of" remains slowly drifting left.

"makers of" starts to scatter and pixelate as Partnerflow logo reverse scatters from 1000% to 100%. Partnerflow logo and tagline slowly scales as environment fades in. Partnerflow logo fades out. Freedom to Focus glows and scales before violent jitter max shifts scatter letters all over landscape.

  • After Effects
  • 3d
Scene 2a Scene 2a
Partnerflow logo fades out as 3D environment becomes visible. "Freedom to Focus" is left and transition out with random flashing and violent movement. Camera hugs terrain. Shot lasts 3 to 4 seconds. Shots 2a through 2c (potentially 2d or 2e depending on timing) are used to give viewer and idea of the landscape. The shots are quick pans and fly-throughs of the outskirts of the environment. The main building may be visible in the distance of some of the shots.

Music picks up speed.

  • After Effects
  • 3D
Scene 2b Scene 2b
Landscape fly-through 2 to 3 seconds. Camera hugs terrain. Main building possibly visible in distance.

  • 3D
Scene 2c Scene 2c
Landscape fly-through 2 to 3 seconds. Camera hugs terrain. Main building possibly visible in distance.

  • 3D
Scene 3a

Scene 3a
Scene 3a Sketch and Motion Still
From the landscape cuts of 2a-2c (2d,2e,2f?) we transition into the valley fly-through. Sticking close to the face of one of the peaks the camera turns a corner and enters the building local. Camera slows and pulls back to reveal entire building.

  • 3D
Scene 3b Scene 3b2
Pan of building detail showing pipes and water interaction.

  • 3D
Scene 3c Scene 3c
Pan of smoke stack pipes revealing detail.

  • 3D
Scene 3d Scene 3d - Motion Stills
Orbital around tower up to light vortex/particle beam.

  • 3D
Scene 3e Scene 3e
Zoom to light vortex/particle beam. Dodge layer and blow out screen to white.

  • After Effects (minor)
  • 3D
Scene 4a Scene 4a
Dodge layer fades down to reveal camera above cogs shot. Landscape with data pulses is visible. Cogs are rotating.

  • After Effects (minor)
  • 3D
Scene 3b Scene 5a
Camera quickly closes in on a cog. The cog slows it's rotation. As the camera slows the bullet "Focus on Selling" or "Freedom to Focus on Selling" appears at the top of the screen. Placed on the 3 cog prongs are icons representing "Focus on Selling". Currently Simeon and I are thinking that the icons will appear as 2d movies shown as holograms floating above the surface of the prongs. The icons will have a greenish glow and burnt white effect similar to the number sequences in the Matrix. Some icon possibilities are: 1) animated Partnerflow screenshots and cursor, 2) rising bar charts/scrolling tickers/racing line graphs/shifting pie charts, 3)rotating sales rep icon. High level bullets related to "Focus on Selling" should cycle through.

  • After Effects
  • 3D
Scene 3b Scene 5b
Camera spins around shape and closes in again. Cog slows rotation. Bullet "Freedom to Manage your Business" or words to that effect. Icons animate. High level bullets related to "Freedom to Manage your Business" cycle through.

  • After Effects
  • 3D
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